– Generative AI and elections: Are chatbots a reliable source of information for voters, IARIA (INTERNET) 2024. I did a presentation on the work done by AI Forensics and AlgorithmWatch on how reliable Microsoft Copilot chatbot can be when asked elections-related questions.
– Container inspection automation: a proof of concept. Speaker: S. Tabti, Team (in random order): Y. Alouini, F. Vallée, M. Elion, D. Poon Shu Han, R. Yang, C. Collignon, J. Sauer, P. Oreistein, P. Chin. DATAQUITAINE 2023. Link to the video of the talk in french.
– Invited by the IEEE students association of Bordeaux for a special event promoting women in AI, signal processing and IoT. I had the opportunity among two other talented women to present the research work done with my team at Fieldbox. I talked about challenges in industrial AI with a focus on imbalanced data problems from classification to time series forecasting. Then, we had a round table dealing with the visibility of women in technical jobs (May 2022).
– Invited to a round table by Suez for the NAIA.R conference on how AI impacts water management in the context of climate change (December 2021).
– Prescription non supervisée des paramètres de fonctionnement d’un processus industriel avec un Auto-Encodeur Variationnel, B. L’Ollivier, S. Tabti, DATAQUITAINE 2021. Link to Brendan’s talk on video.
– Defect detection and classification in sewer pipelines videos. C. Barbot, S. Tabti, C. Casagranda, J. Budynek, DATAQUITAINE 2020.